Lal Mirch Ka Anchar

                   Lal Mirch Ka Anchar


  Laal Mirch Ka Achar- Pickles are an integral part of Indian cuisine. There are numerous types of pickles made in each region and state of India . Raw mango pickle and chili pickle is the most loved among the whole lot of variety of pickles.



 Red chili pickle is a very popular pickle of Banaras which is also popular as bharwa laal mirch ka achar. This pickle have a very long shelf life and I have never seen it spoiling by any chance. Though the process need time and patience as the red chilies are stuffed in a special way.

 Mom used to make this and she followed my Dadi's recipe. I have not tasted any red chilli pickle as tasty as her's! Now she is no more, so I could not ask her about the exact ratio. I googled and followed one recipe which I thought would be good. One thing I remembered that Mom used to add Banarasi Rai into it which used to take it to the next level! I did not get that spice here in U.S. so Just skipped it, also she did not use Black salt and cumin. Rest of the recipe I followed. Sharing the link ....


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